Why do I exercise?
It makes me feel better.
It helps me manage my stress.
It helps me control my weight.
I like the way I feel after I shower and dress.
It helps me think more clearly.
It energizes me.
It helps me take better care of my body, God’s temple. (1 Corinthians 6:19)
It keeps me fit so I can do other things that require a degree of fitness.
I enjoy being outside when I run.
Perhaps you have made a resolution to become more fit or to be more consistent with exercise. Over the years as I’ve worked with many, many other people to help them with their physical activity regimen, I’ve seen that the more important the benefits they received from exercising the more likely they were to keep at it.
As you head into 2010, and if being physically active is important to you, I’d urge you to take a few minutes and make a list of the reasons why you’d like to be more physically active and more fit. Put on this list the reasons that are very personal to you as I have done above. Then you might consider checking off the top three reasons why you’d like to be more consistent with physical activity and focus on these most significant benefits. It may also be helpful to review the level of importance that these benefits are her to you. The more important they are to you and the greater value you place on them, the more likely they will truly be a motivation for you to exercise.
Now, get in that workout ……….. and make it a great day!