Christmas is a time of the year that we celebrate the birth of God’s Son, Jesus, who came to point the way to his Father and to offer salvation for our souls. Jesus came that you might know his Father and have life to its fullest.
“My purpose is to give life in all it’s fullest.” John 10:10
As we mature in our faith we realize that our ‘full life’ is not for us alone, but its purpose is to glorify God and to spread his love to others, through us. That’s where our health comes into play. The more healthy we are emotionally and physically the better able we are to love and serve others. And our spiritual health impacts on other aspects of our health.
As you near Christmas Day, let the love of God and his Son sink deep into your heart. Deep in your will, decide to let go of anything that is not love…. and replace it with the love of Jesus.
That’s why Jesus was born. That’s Christmas.
Merry Christmas to you!