I read a concise post about the mind and stress this morning from Creekside Ministries blog that I want to share with you. Here’s an excerpt: “Stress begins in the brain. There is a sudden unexpected surge of stress hormones when you feel anxiety. When these hormones are released, sleeping and resting are nearly impossible. Though being extremely energetic is good when one is working, the human body is not built for such a state for long periods of time. If the hyper-activity is extended too much, one will eventually experience headaches, mood swings, aggressiveness, and a loss of the ability to concentrate on a given task.”
I liked how the author ended her post…. with a challenge to make healthy choices…. with God’s help.
With God’s help, I have the power to respond in a healthy way
to the stress-filled situations in my life.
I will make the following choices this week:
So, fill in the blanks and today…… make healthy choices in response to the stressors in your life. And live!
“This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live.” Deuteronomy 30:19