As I prepare to talk to a group of women this Sunday at a church near Charlotte, and review my notes that I’ll use and the key points that I’ll likely make, I’m reminded again of the essence of the Christian faith.
It’s about a close relationship with God, through his son Jesus and living by the power of the Holy Spirit. It’s not about “religion.” It’s about knowing and remaining connected to God in an intimate way.
Jesus tells his disciples in John 15:5 ….
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”
This verse tells us that we cannot live the kind of fruit-bearing life that he wants us to live unless we are closely connected to Jesus. Yes, we must also humble ourselves before God, submit to and follow his ways, and believe that what the Bible says is truth.
When we make a habit of living life according to the principles God outlines for us in his Holy Bible, we are promised that we’ll have an abundant life. We may not be free of disease, we will in all likelihood experience really tough life circumstances, but amidst it all we can enjoy deep inner peace, inner spiritual strength, joy, love and contentment. Oh yes, and we can be assured of living eternally in a wonderful heaven!
The more closely we stay connected to Jesus, the better we’ll understand our unique purpose in life and the greater difference we’ll make for his Kingdom and the body of Christ.
What blessings God has for us…. if we will put our faith in him, trust him, obey his truths for living found in the Bible and walk our life in close relationship with him.
These are some of the key points I hope to remind the audience of this Sunday. As I review my notes, read the related scriptures that I intend to emphasize and pray for God to guide me, I’m reminded of the great and powerful love he has for me and for you.
Life is good… when you know God in an intimate way!
Questions to Reflect On
Are you living in a close relationship with God, spending alone time with him on most days?
Are you regularly reading the Bible to learn how he wants you to live?
Helpful Resources
Article – It’s About the Relationship
Article – His Instruction Manual, Our Guidebook for Living
Website – To Learn More About a Personal Relationship with God
If your organization or church is interested in a workshop or retreat, read about my speaking services.