For the past few weeks, I’ve been plagued by a sore, aching lower back. It’s been so tight that I found myself getting up out of a chair and our bed very slowly and gingerly. Even dressing was somewhat challenging. Throughout the day I was aware of the moderate discomfort. I’m not real sure how I may have injured it. Perhaps it was when I was receiving some help putting about 20 perennials into the ground in the back yard of our house.
I’ve not exercised much at all over the last three weeks, partially due to the back pain and partially because my daily schedule has been different due to family visits and the Thanksgiving holiday.
As I mentioned on a few social media sites earlier in the week, Monday I made a commitment to gain control of my eating and exercise after a long holiday and related activities. Later on Monday I went for a short jog/walk and did a few body-weight exercises at home. On my jog, a thought floated up to my mind – “life is in the blood.”
Because I have a wellness education and background, I reflected on the value of exercise – that it increases the blood flow into all parts of the body and in turn it carries oxygen and nutrients that are needed by our body’s cells. To live our cells require oxygen for energy. The oxygen is transported by our blood. Our cells also require certain nutrients, which are also delivered through our blood. This was a good reminder of what was happening in my lower back. As I jogged, and then later did some weight bearing and core exercises, I could envision how all the cells in and around my spinal cord, and the surrounding ligaments, tendons and muscles were being flushed with blood. I believed that the increased blood flow would help bring new life to my lower back area.
But during my jog, as often happens, I reflected on the spiritual application of how life is in blood – the blood of Jesus. I’ll share a copy of what I posted on the ministry’s Facebook page earlier today:
Blood. It’s life giving.
God knows this and that’s why He asked Jesus to shed His blood on the Cross so that you and I can experience true and everlasting life. Fortunately, Jesus obeyed His Father.
Now it’s our turn to obey God and His life-enhancing principles that He’s given us in the Bible.
And we can most easily follow His principles and commandments when we’re motivated by the love we have for Jesus and the price He has paid – the shedding of His blood – so we can experience life.
After three straight days of exercise and stretching my back feels significantly better. The increased blood flow to that area has surely helped.
But the reminder that Jesus’ blood was shed on the Cross at Calvary for me is much more significant. His shed blood enables you and me to have a relationship with God the Father. Jesus died so our sins can be forgiven.
“In fact, according to the law of Moses, nearly everything was purified with blood. For without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness.” Hebrews 9:22
“For this is my blood, which confirms the covenant between God and his people. It is poured out as a sacrifice to forgive the sins of many. Matthew 6:28
Yes, there is indeed life in blood, the blood of Jesus.
Have a great day, in Christ!
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keijo leppioja says
Yes and glory to God that he gave his only begotten Son for our sin and to give his life for salvation in blood and we will be so thankful today again and joy for love in God and be like Christ daily into growing in him with the word and quard of the Holy Spirit in joy. Thanks and blessings. Keijo Sweden