Do you experience direct interaction with God or is there some intermediary between you and Him? In times before Jesus’ death, it was Jewish law and custom that only the High Priests could enter the Most Holy Place in the temple, where the ark of the covenant and God’s presence was, to pray to God on behalf of the people asking forgiveness for their sins. Common people were not able to do this according to Jewish law.
The Gospels tell of how, when Jesus died on the cross, the curtain that separated the Most Holy Place from the rest of the parts of the temple was torn. (Luke 23:44-46) Since that time, believers in Jesus have been able to talk with God personally and to ask for forgiveness of their sins directly. No longer, has the law of the first covenant prevented people from direct access to God. (Hebrews 9:1-14 and Hebrews 10:19-22)
So practically, what does this mean? By Jesus’ death, the barrier that had existed between God and us was split in two. You and I are now able to approach Him directly. We are no longer bound by the law that was in place. We have the freedom to approach God in intimate conversation or prayer and the opportunity to ask God directly to forgive us from our sins.
God loves you and me so much that He sent Jesus, His only son, to die for us so that we can have a personal relationship with Him. If Jesus had not died, according to the law, we would not have personal access to God.
Things to Consider:
In the practice of your Christian faith, do you feel you must have an intermediary between you and God? According to scripture that’s not necessary because of what Jesus has done. You can communicate with Him directly. You can have total freedom from that law because of what Jesus has done.
Are you experiencing the trials of life without a close relationship with God? Are you going it alone, without His strength and power? It doesn’t have to be this way. Jesus paid a dear price so that you can live life knowing that God gives you strength, power, peace and joy.
To read more about the peace that Jesus gives follow this link.
To read more about the Most Holy Place and the curtain follow this link.