Do you struggle with ongoing shame or guilt? Both can play havoc with your health – spiritually and physically.
Shame and guilt can hamper the degree of inner freedom that you have. You won’t feel as close to God if there is a blanket of guilt or shame covering your inner heart and spirit.
Ongoing shame and guilt can also play havoc with your physical health. Emotional eating, stemming directly from these negative emotions, can be one result. Harmful hormones and other chemicals will be released into your body and can cause physical ailments that come about due to the mind-body connection.
Shame and guilt are tools that the Devil uses to prevent us from experiencing the full life that God desires you to experience….the kind of life that Jesus died so that you can experience.
The blood that Jesus shed on the Cross was the price He paid so that you would not have to experience the guilt and shame of your sins… past, present and future.
As a believer and follower of Christ, you are a child of God. You need not feel any condemnation because you are in Christ Jesus. (Romans 8:1)
Jesus died so that you can be free of your guilt and shame.
I encourage you to throw ANY recurring shame or guilt that you might be experiencing right back at the Devil. And then, receive the Truth of the Cross and the life-giving love and grace of Jesus. God desires that you experience all the fullness of life that his Son died for you to experience!
“For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you on the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood by reason of the life that makes atonement.” Leviticus 17:11
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