A new report is out this week by the Gallup folks - Strong Link Between Church Attendance and Smoking. Smoking in the U.S. is highly correlated with religiosity, with those who never attend church almost three times as likely to smoke as those who attend weekly. This … [Read more...]
Prayer: The Most Common Complimentary & Alternative Medicine Practice
What is the most common type of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) treatment that mid-life women in the United States use to maintain their health? Researchers analyzed data from the 2002 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) involving a random national sample of … [Read more...]
Study: Attending Religious Services Linked to Better Health – Is There More to it Than That?
The Canadian National Post carried an article - Attending Religious Services Linked to Better Health - earlier this week about a study that was conducted in Canada. The authors of the research say that is the first of its kind in Canada to link heart-related health and religious … [Read more...]
Religion, Spirituality and Health: Are They Related and What Does it Mean? Video
I want to share a video of Religion, Spirituality and Health: Are They Related and What Does it Mean?, a lecture by Harold Koenig, MD. In this video, that is 1 hour and 20 minutes in length, Dr. Koenig does a wonderful job addressing this issue. Dr Koenig is the Director for … [Read more...]
Research Project – A Volunteer Needed
Thought I'd throw this out here. In conjunction with the Faith and Health Ambassador initiative, we are hoping to do some 'soft' research in regards to health behavior change and health status. Ambassadors will be equipped to conduct a 10-week health education initiative in … [Read more...]
Why is Obesity in the Church So Prevalent?
Are the pastors of our churches in America, in general, neglecting to address the obesity issue that our country is challenged with? My answer would be yes, otherwise research studies would not consistently show that people who attend church regularly are more obese than … [Read more...]