Today’s verse highlights one reason why we should care for our bodies. Paul tells us in Romans 6:13 that the different parts or members of our bodies are to be used as instruments or tools of righteousness to God. “Use your whole body as an instrument to do what is right for the glory of God.”
It is by our feet (Romans 10:15) and through our mouths that we share God’s truth with other people. It is with our hands that we serve other people in love. In general, the more healthy we are and the more energy we have, the more likely we will be able to use the different parts of our body to do good things for God. Satan knows that he can put a kink into God’s work by attacking His workers and putting their tools out of commission.
One motivation for remaining healthy and taking care of our body and our health should be because we are commanded by God to love other people and to share the good news with them and this is done through our bodies. When we are in poor health, when we are extremely overweight or when we lack energy we will not be as effective in doing this.
As you start this new year, perhaps one motivation that you can apply to better care for your body could be your desire to do good things for other people and for the kingdom of God with the various “instruments” of your body. The better your health and the more energy that you have, the more likely you will be able to be effective in this.
So, go take care of yourself. Eat well. Be physically active. Get plenty of sleep. Manage your stress. Live for God!