These are affirmations I’ve tweeted over the last few weeks. Speak and claim them for yourself. Have a terrific day!
“I follow the light of Jesus so I don’t stumble in the darkness. His light leads to life.” John 8:12
“I don’t hide my light under a basket. Instead, I put it on a stand for all to see… for the glory of God!” Matthew 5:15
“I believe that Jesus is the Messiah so I have life.” John 20:31
“I use well what is given me by God, so He gives me more.” Luke 19:26
“I looked for God in earnest, and sought Him, so I found Him.” Jeremiah 29:13
“The Lord is my light & salvation. I shall fear no one.” Psalm 27:1
“I am forever free from condemnation.” Romans 8:1-2
“I do not cling to worthless idols so I have much grace.” Jonah 2:8
“I am blessed because I trust in the Lord and make Him my hope and confidence.” Jeremiah 17:7
“The commandments of the Lord are right, bringing joy to my heart.” Psalm 19:8
“I recognize Jesus’ voice and follow Him. He’s given me eternal life and I will never perish.” John 10:27-28
“The Lord is my salvation and my strength.” Isaiah 12:2
“God has poured out His love to me by the Holy Spirit.” Romans 5:5