When we know the healer and receive His love and know and believe who we are in Him, we can be set free!
Earlier today I spent an hour on the phone with a wise, gentle man, Dan Fountain, M.D.. In his career he has spent many years in Africa, caring for people of the Congo, attending to their “whole person” needs. He shared with me several accounts of how people would come to him with various illnesses and diseases. Time and time again, when he and his staff would take the time to care for their spirit, these people’s physical health improved dramatically. He shared that when these people were “cleaned out on the inside” they were more healthy on the outside(physically).
Dan is now educating and training pastoral care staff and the medical community on how to care for the whole person, using a Biblical approach. He uses Psalm 139:23-24 as a sort of “Spiritual MRI” when he ministers to individuals. So many of us, he notes, have things in our past that are unresolved and impact in a negative way on our emotional health and subsequently on our physical health. He trains laypeople how to walk a person through their past to identify issues that impact on their health. Then, in a loving and caring way, these laypeople are able to guide persons through a process which restores their health. They share about the love of Jesus and how God sent His son to help us to be totally free and whole.
If you’re in the health profession and have experience in providing this sort of ministry to the people you serve, I’d love to hear from you and about your experiences.
For those of us who have experienced God’s love in a very personal way, and have experienced inner healing through His love, I think He wants us to share that with others… so that others can experience the same kind of freedom, and wholeness.
Is your physical health affected by what’s been ‘eating at you’ on the inside? You can be free from that and enjoy improved physical health. Read Psalm 139 and ask Jesus to point out anything that might be impacting on your spiritual or emotional health…. and ask Him to free you completely from this burden or pain. He will if you ask Him deep in your heart! If you do not know Jesus in a personal and meaningful way, visit with a local pastor at a church or a trusted friend who you believe to be a Christian, a follower of Christ. If you’re not sure about doing either of those things, send me an email and I’ll share my insights with you.
Have a wonderful day!