Well, a new year has begun and I want to start it off on the right foot by prayerfully and publicly thanking God for the opportunity He has given me to share His truths through this website and blog over the past year. It’s by His grace that I’ve received wisdom and insight through the reading of the Bible that I’ve written the articles and Weekly Health Scriptures that many of you have read here. And I hope that you’ve been encouraged by what you’ve read. I know that some of you have been because I’ve received your emails.
During 2009 I suspect that I will continue to create blog posts as I did during last year. I will try my best to continue with a Weekly Health Scripture, writing about insights God gives me as I meditate on his Word. I will also continue to seek out relevant news stories on the topic of health, faith, spirituality and religion and comment on that when warranted.
More than anything, what I hope to be able to continue to do is share insights that I believe God gives me through the power of His Holy Spirit on topics that may be helpful to you readers.
Finally, as we begin this first week of the new year, I pray that all is well with your soul and that your health prospers also. (3 John 1:2)
With the love of Christ,