OK guys, as I walked around the house this morning on the 7th day after my surgery with my catheter still in place, I thought it might be a good idea to capture some of my recent experiences for the men who will visit here. The literature says that one in every 6 men will have prostate cancer. I thought, perhaps I can share some of my experiences that might be of practical help. Here goes.
Right off the bat I will say that the stronger your faith, the easier it will be to go into the surgery and cope with all that you’ll have to deal with and the more peace you’ll have even as they roll you into the pre-op and operating rooms. Staying connected to God after the surgery will provide you a source of hope and strength and help you to remain positive.
As I write this I find a pretty good site (MaleCare- Men Fighting Cancer Together)that provides a lot of advice on dealing with prostate cancer. This site also provides lots of practical tips and “reports’ from men who share their insight on all the the “how tos” of post-surgery.
UPDATE: on March 10, 2020 I came across this article – Prostate Cancer: Combined Biopsy Strategy Makes for More Accurate Diagnosis – that addresses the value of combining results of an MRI with a biopsy to better identify cancer in the prostate. I recommend it for reading!
Be prepared to remain in the hospital for 2+ days. Everything went really well for me so I was released 48 hours after my surgery began. The site above will also walk you through a discussion about the different types of catheter bags that might be used post surgery. My doctor requires his patients to use the Foley Bag and will not allow me to use the smaller leg bag. It just makes walking around in public a bit more challenging.
I was given a bottle of pain pills to take as needed. I have weaned myself over the last few days and today, as of 12 noon, I have not needed a pill. Throughout the night, I have been pretty comfortable sleeping on my back.
I guess the most aggravating aspect of this is the limited amount of physical activity I should be doing. My daughter, sister and girlfriend have all scolded me for dragging the water hose across the lawn to water my flowers. You see, the nurse told me not to lift anything heavier than a sh owe box for the first four weeks. I’m thinking this is a bit stringent! But I’m trying to be a good patient. I was out and about yesterday with my sister driving to three stores to pick up a few things. The most uncomfortable part of that was getting into and out of the car each stop.
My desire for food and eating is slowly returning. A tepid German beer tasted pretty good yesterday!
I have a good friend, Bobby, who had the same surgery almost a month before mine. It has been very helpful for him to share his experiences with me as it has helped prepare me for what I have ahead of me.
Any man that reads this and would like to ask me any question, feel free to send me an email.
Have a great day!