On July 16, a gathering to lift the name of Jesus was held at the National Mall – Together 2016, or Reset 2016. thousand and thousands of people attended the event, especially those of the millennial generation, whom the organizers wanted to reach.
The event website reads:
Moments of historic change are often marked by historic gatherings.
Together 2016 is the day our generation will meet on the National Mall to come together around Jesus in unified prayer, worship, and a call for catalytic change. We’re coming together with as many people as possible who
believe Jesus changes everything.
Here is an excellent article on the Christian Post – Together 2016 – about why and how the event was planned and the vision of the organizers.
My wife and I watched the live stream on YourTube throughout the day on Saturday. The music and teachings and testimonials, of some of the most well known artists and pastors in America, were both inspiring and encouraging. Indeed, the event lived out what it set to do, to lift the name of Jesus and point people to Him.
The event ended early due to hundreds of heat related injuries. To this, the organizers made this comment, “This event has never ultimately been about coming TO the Mall. It’s always been about going out FROM the Mall to share Jesus and the reset He offers. #JesusChangesEverything”
Read more about the event at this link – RESET2016. If this is encouraging to you, the followup website link is here – www.ResetMovement.com
At the end of the event, there was a ‘commission9in’ of sort. This video on YouTube is a replay of that.
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