Kim Dolan Leto wrote F.I.T. Faith Inspired Transformation to help give women, who struggle with their weight and fitness, a roadmap on how to be transformed from the inside out by applying God’s principles for living and by making healthy choices by His strength.
I was approached by the folks at the Fedd Agency who asked if I’d be interested in receiving a review copy of Dolan’s book. In return for a complimentary copy of the book, this review is being written.
Many wellness-related books that I’ve read, written by authors who are professing Christians, sprinkle in verses here and there to cite what the Bible says about a topic they are writing about. There is not too much depth to the faith piece of their writing and so those books are lacking in that area.
This is not such a book about fitness and health. Dolan integrates biblical truths and scripture throughout the book. Perhaps more meaningful is the fact that she writes from a personal perspective in that her life has been transformed by God, and so she’s able to share how her relationship with God has helped change her life. And she uses relevant scripture in an effort to share God’s truths with the reader.
In the introduction of the book, she writes the following:
The goal of the Faith Inspired Transformation is to help women like you and me bring our bodies under control and change our mindsets from temporary dieting to understanding good health as a godly lifestyle.
To help the reader, Dolan shares 10 main points – or steps – on what it takes to experience life-changing transformation. They are all very relevant to losing weight and to becoming more fit.
I find it helpful to share a few quotes from books I review, so I’ll do that next.
“I started praying to God to intervene in the raging battle over my weight. I didn’t want to have any idols in my life, and I especially didn’t want my own body to be one. Turning to Him was my last resort, but it should have been the first place I went.”
“Growing closer to God is an even greater reward that maintaining a certain weight.”
“I want to help you redefine yourself as fearfully and wonderfully made woman of God… You and I are so much more than our bodies and this transformational journey is about more than going down a jean size or two.”
“I challenge you to reevaluate how you spend your time and to look for ways to build an hour back into your days.”
“Where are we going to get the energy and endurance we need to carry out our God-given purposes if we’re overweight and out of shape?”
One thing I really like about her book is that it incorporates a biblical view of health along with very practical and medically-sound fitness and nutrition principles.
I also like how Dolan includes opportunities for reflection at the end of each of the 10 steps. In this regard, I think that her book would make an excellent book study for a small group of women who desire to get into better shape or to lose weight.
This book will indeed help you shift your focus to what the world says to what the Word of God says. I highly recommend reading it if you’re a woman who’s motivated to get in shape!
I have one extra copy of this book, and would like to give it away free. If you’d like this free copy of F.I.T. Faith Inspired Transformation, simply make a comment below. I’ll randomly select one person after one week.
I LOST my husband through common law marriage just 4 weeks after he accepted Jesus as his Savior from cancer taking to be with God. since then has been 13 years. My health continually worsens even though God healed me from Crack addiction 12/09/2011. My weight is out of control and I have been praying for more healing daily. I am on disability and want so much to be able to work so that I can be able to reach more for God. I need my health back also to study more about God so I can help others by telling them about my healing. I need this book so I can put my health and my savior together and don’t have the extra money at all to pay for the book. Bless you Kim Dolan Leto for possibly making this available to me!
I would love a copy of this book! Blessings.
The email that I received in my personal inbox on Saturday, April 18, 2015 about the FIT Book Review was truly a God-sent message. I have a faith-based fitness group in Maryland that I teach the biblical principles of health, nutrition and fitness. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20) I have been thinking about writing my own book about my passion for fitness and my love for God from the biblical standpoint.
Receiving this blog post in my email is a confirmation from my Lord and Savior that I need to write my book. I want to learn more about Kim as fitness expert, her book and to share with my fitness group. Hopefully, one day I will have the opportunity to meet Kim and we can talk about our passion for fitness and the love for our Lord and Savior. Reading this book review inspired me to go after my dreams. In Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ which strenghteneth me”. God Bless!!! Linda
Hello Linda,
Thanks for briefly sharing why you’d like a copy of her book. If you’ll contact me through the Contact Page of the website and share your mailing address, I’ll have a copy of the book sent to you. Congratulations! Dale
Hello there
Please allow me to introduce myself. I am a black Mixed-race African/European Christian woman, Seventh Day Adventists, 55years old. I had also been a perfect athlete , playing basketball at international level & a variety of any sport. But since having my two children and working in a corporate environment, coupled with moving from calm , laid back Africa to Europe, exercise was put on the back burner. As a result my weight plummeted to an unhealthy weight coupled with lots of injuries & inflammation. I’ve been trying for a long time to get back on track but to no avail, & yes I realise it all begins with God & the Holy Spirit .
I am now on a new career path and am due to complete my Personal Training course next month & have also been made part of the health ministry at my church. For a while now, I have been pondering just how to reach our church folk. Excuse me for saying, but we as Adventists are “renowned ” for our health message but what I see deeply saddens me. I am committed to positively encouraging the church folks, especially my church sisters, that God intended us to be fit and healthy and that is why I joined this site. I am searching for books like these to help God lead me to help my brethren , according to His way.
Even if I do not receive this book as a free gift, I will purchase it as soon as I have the finance. I have enjoyed reading the excerpts and they resonate with the direction that I would love to go.
Thank you , keep up the good work & God bless
I would like to read the book and see if it is something I could offer through the women’s ministry at our church. I had proposed Pathway 2 Wholeness to the chair of that ministry at the end of our class last year but she thought it would be something that the whole church could benefit from. Since this book is written for women who are struggling with their weight maybe she would consider it as an offering just for women. I want the book regardless if I am chosen to receive your second free copy. Where would I order it?
God’s Peace!!
Hi Sally. It’s great to hear from you. You can order the book from Amazon. Clicking on the book graphic on the blog post will take you there! Dale
Hi, I am a parish nurse and am in the process of putting together a fitness program for my parishioners. This sounds like it would be a great companion Bible study to go with my program. I would love a copy to help me connect the dots between Faith and fitness.
I enjoyed this review. I Bless God, an although my journey in renewing my mind & breaking free from old eating habits has been much longer than I ever imagined, my prayers, desires & commitment to my life being changed are still very much my daily prayer! #trustinghimnomatterhowlong
I’d love a copy to help me on my year long health journey.