Embracing the Race, by Lisa Preset, is a devotional book that makes a link between long distance running and the Christian faith.
Because I’ve been running for over 50 years and I love God, what Lisa writes about in this book really struck a chord with me. It’s clear that Lisa also loves God with all her heart and that the Holy Spirit has given her unique insight about running and faith.
Each of the 40 devotionals address different aspects of long distance running and how Lisa appreciates how they are linked to biblical principles and how they apply to the life of a believer.
Topics such as injuries, pacing, inclement weather, hill training, training plans, stats/PRs, black ice and hitting the wall are just a few of the things Lisa writes about. As a former competitor in the sport of distance running I can certainly relate to each point that she addresses.
I enjoyed her style of writing and the format of the book. Each devotional includes a scripture, a short story from her personal experiences, and sections titled Ready! Set. Go!.
Here’s an example. In the devotional titled Healing Our Injuries, her verse is from Ezekiel 34:16 – “I will bind up the injured and strengthen the weak…” Lisa makes the link between physical injuries that a runner can incur to a wounded heart that most all of us have experienced at times in our life. She writes the following:
“He specializes in healing our wounds. He delights in taking the damaged parts of our life, turning the broken pieces into something beautiful.”
And she ends the devotional with another scripture from Psalm 34:18 – “God is near the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”
The book is wonderfully written! And, especially if you are a long distance runner, I think you’ll also be blessed by reading it!
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