Over the last few months, readership of my blog has increased steadily. I'm hoping that the content is helpful .... a blend of teaching, encouragement and challenge. As you might appreciate, there are so many directions I can take this blog. In that light, I'd find it helpful … [Read more...]
Sharing This Good News & RSS Feeds with Others
I've been asked to give subscribers to my posts an easy way to share these feeds with others at popular social bookmarking sites like Delicious, Facebook, Mixx, StumbleUpon and Digg to name a few. For those who may have heard about Social Bookmarking but don't know what it's all … [Read more...]
It’s Springtime in North Carolina!!
It's definitely spring in Charlotte, North Carolina. I spent much of today sitting out back writing an article on how God can help us manage our stress. Fortunately I didn't feel much of any stress throughout the day as I was writing. :-) On the contrary, it was wonderful … [Read more...]