“All Bible Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.” 2 Timothy 3:16
This scripture above is perhaps the most relevant verse in the Bible regarding the importance and relevance of scripture in our lives. It tells us that all scripture is inspired by God. That means that God inspired the authors of the Bible to write manuscripts that have been embraced as truth.
Many look at Bible scripture as God’s guidelines for living life. Every major and significant life area is addressed in the Bible as God knows that we need his instructions, or guidelines, on how to live life.
Scriptures of Instruction – Psalm 119
The chapter of the Bible that most often mentions the value of scripture, of God’s commandments, is Chapter 119 of the book of Psalm. In the 176 verses of Psalm 119, the words principles, commands, precepts, decrees, laws, word, statues are used 156 times in the New Living Translation of the Bible. In referring to these words, the author of Psalm 119 is pointing out the value and significance of God’s instructions to us that are found in these Bible scriptures.
Bible Translations and Tools
Many versions, or translations, of the Bible exist. Some are more contemporary and some are more formal in style of writing and words that are used. The older versions, like the King James Version, is of this type. One great online resource to search scripture is www.BibleGateway.com. Another excellent online tool is The Topical Bible. At this site, you can type in a topic that you’re interested in and it will provide a list of scriptures that address that topic.
The Bible translation that initially helped me learn about God and his principles for living was the New Living Translation. It has a section that contains the very basics of the Christian faith and helps guide the reader to relevant scripture about those principles.
According to the Wikipedia site, ‘the first English New Testament to use scripture divisions was a 1557 translation by William Whittingham. The first Bible in English to use both chapters and individual scriptures was the Geneva Bible published shortly afterwards in 1560. These scripture divisions soon gained acceptance as a standard way to notate verses, and have since been used in nearly all English Bibles and the vast majority of those in other languages.’
There are 929 chapters in the Old Testament and 260 chapters in the new Testament. There are 23,145 individual scriptures in the Old Testament and 7,957 scriptures in the New Testament. The scriptures in the books forming the New Testament part of the Bible serves as a source for the Christian faith and its theology.
Bible Scripture Related to Health and Wellness
Our ministry has a focus on health and wellness. We provide teaching based on the truths found in the scriptures of the Bible. At the following link, you’ll find many listings of scripture related to health, stress, strength, healing, weight loss and encouragement.
If you are active in social media, we send out scriptures of encouragement and affirmation that come from the Bible. Visit our social media sites on Facebook, Twitter, Google + and LinkedIn by the links on the right side of this page.
This Ministry and Scripture
Scriptures from the Bible form the basis of this ministry. We base our teaching on the truths found there. Read about our mission and beliefs based on scripture.
Helpful Resources Related to the Bible
1 Page Article – His Instruction Manual – Our Guideline For Healthy Living
1 Page Article – Manage Your Stress with God’s Help
I love the teaching and want learn more. thanks and God bless your ministry