Research indicates that Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) have a tremendous impact on future violence victimization and perpetration, and lifelong health. You can read about the initial ACES Study at this link – The CDC-Kaiser ACE Study.
I’ve previously written a blog post on this topic in 2010 – Adverse Childhood Experiences Affect Health – God, Faith and Healing
The Children’s Trust of South Carolina is one organization in our state that has made a commitment to address the issue of the adverse impact of childhood trauma on our youth and, later in life, on our adults. They have dedicated valuable resources to empower communities to prevent childhood adversity. Children’s Trust seeks to prevent ACEs in South Carolina by also bringing together a network of people committed to improving health and well-being in every community through its statewide ACE Initiative.
Last week I spent two days in a training session in Columbia, SC with 37 other professionals to become equipped as an ACE Master Trainer. (I’m standing on the top row in the picture above) Read more about the ACE Master Trainer initiative.
Our role as ACE Master Trainers will be to respond to training requests in the state of South Carolina to help organizations and communities become better equipped to prevent this type of adversity. The training we received was superb and the resources that we were provided with will enable us to train others around the state about this topic. We received information about the original ACE study, South Carolina ACE data, and strategies that empower communities to prevent ACEs. We also learned in greater detail about NEAR science – the fields of study comprised of neuroscience, epigenetics, ACEs and resilience.
I hope to have a special focus on assisting churches and other Christian-based organization and community groups with this issue. My heart’s desire is to help organizations appreciate that by applying biblical truths and principles we can have a positive impact on reducing and preventing trauma throughout the lifespan.
If you represent a church or organization in South Carolina – especially in Lancaster, York or Chester counties – and desire to learn more about Adverse Childhood Experiences and what your organization can do to address them, please use the Contact page to reach out to me.
Related Resources
Request an ACES Education/Training for your South Carolina organization
Donna C. Chacko, M.D. says
Congratulations on your good work. During my years working in an inner city clinic I saw the end-results of high ACE scores—so much suffering. I’m thrilled to see this type of preventative program. I also applaud the work of Author Donna Jackson Nakazawa. In her book, CHILDHOOD DISRUPTED, she describes what adults can do upon learning their ACE score is high..there are way to heal. Your emphasis on the positive role that God can play in this healing is one I certainly share.